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The overall scientific aim of the nccr – on the move is to offer a comprehensive and interdisciplinary framework for understanding the character of and the experienced shifts in contemporary migration and mobility to Switzerland.

Designed to develop new perspectives on the changing migratory reality, the nccr – on the move brings together research projects from social sciences, economics and law. These projects are combined to address the overall research question: What is the character of contemporary immigration patterns – within the so-called migration-mobility nexus?

In more concrete terms, the projects will:

  • provide a description of the status quo of human mobility in Switzerland;
  • trace the emergence and evolution of migration law in Switzerland;
  • specify the mechanisms through which international norms influence domestic law and regulation;
  • examine the impact of politics and law on different social and institutional actors;
  • explore the evolution of interactions between market forces and the State in the area of labor migration;
  • analyze the composition, trajectories and characteristics of specific migrant flows;
  • investigate the role of gender, age, education and social status in processes and outcomes of migration;
  • and, shed light on inclusionary and exclusionary practices that are developed and implemented in the context of migration.

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