Useful links
Le CRIS est désormais INACTIF.
You can find here useful information on existing training sessions proposed by the University of Neuchâtel: workshops on the development of theoretical knowledge, working method for doctoral students, methodological and technical skills.
- Doctoral training program of the CUSO (Conférence Universitaire de Suisse Occidentale)
- Computer training program of the SITEL
- Program REGARD, practical training addressed to young women scientists and academics
- Réseau Romand de Mentoring: mentoring, consulting and network-buildingfor young women scientists and academics.
- Mentoring program StartingDoc, for early doctoral students
- Language Centre of the University of Neuchâtel, which proposes English courses
If you are looking for information about doctoral and post-doctoral fellowship, you can visit the website of the FNS Scientific Committee of the University.
For general questions about PhD and post-doctoral stages, you can visit these two websites, which propose invaluable information about the academic path of young researchers.
- The website Relève académique, a web portal that is dedicated to doctoral and post-doctoral researchers
- The website MyScience, which proposes practical information about how to start a PhD.