
Past events

Le CRIS est désormais INACTIF.

Dr. Simone Girard-Groeber (Haute École de Travail Social, FHNW, Olten)



Title: La direction du regard en langue des signes : une ressource pour la grammaire et l’interaction


Date : April 25th 2017



Dr. Etienne Morel (Centre de dialectologie et d'étude du français régional, University of Neuchâtel)



Title: « Fais gaffe à ton orthographe! » : de ‘l’écriture non-standard’ à l’accomplissement situé de normes langagières dans la communication par texto


Date : March 21st 2017



Young Researchers Conference of the Center for Research on Social Interactions


February 16-17 2017, University of Neuchâtel



International Conference "Interactional competences and Practices in a Second Language" (ICOP-L2)

ICOP-L2 affiche pour site.jpg


January 18-20 2017, Center of Applied Linguistics, University of Neuchâtel




Doctoral Workshops "Methodological issues in research on L2 interactional competences and practices"


Doctoral workshops organized around the conference ICOP-L2 in collaboration with the doctoral training of the CRSI


January 18th 2017, University of Neuchâtel





Dr. Marisa Casillas (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics)



Title: The development of conversational turn-taking skills


Date: December 13 2016





Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Tschacher (University Hospital of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University of Bern)


TitleEmbodied Communication - Nonverbal Synchrony in Social Interaction


Date: November 15th 2016






Mélanie Sandoz (Center in Speech and Language Therapy, University of Neuchâtel)

Title: L'ajustement référentiel dans une tâche de narration d'histoires: résultats préliminaires chez des patients présentant une démence de type Alzheimer


Date: October 4th 2016







Dr. Flora Di Donato (Centre de droit des migrations, University of Neuchâtel)

Title: How narrative shapes the law. Examples of factual construction in court proceedings and administrative procedures


Date : May 31 2016






Dr. Judith Holler (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics)

Title: On the pragmatics of multi-modal communication: Gesture, speech and gaze in the coordination of mental states and social interaction




Date: May 18th 2016


A doctoral workshop on multi-modality was organized around this conference.




Open day organized by the Factulty of Science






April 23rd 2016


Here are some pictures of the workshops organized by the CRSI




Dr. Iris Nomikou (Paderborn University)

Title: The development of intersubjectivity: From "getting into synch" to shaping interaction affordances"




Date: April 5th 2016




Dr. Mathilde Guardiola (Laboratoire Parole et langage, Aix-Marseille University)

Title: Approche mixte de phénomènes interactionnels: automatisation et quantification au service de l'analyse séquentielle de récits




Date: March 23 2016




Prof. Liz Holt (University of Huddersfield, School of Music, Humanities and Media)

Title: On the nature of playful and non-serious contributions to talk



Date: February 1st 2016




Dr. Sandra Keller (Institute of Work and Organizational Psychology, University of Neuchâtel)

Title: Communications et distractions durant de longues opérations chirurgicales: Etude par observation au bloc opératoire




Date: January 20th 2016




Prof. Dr. Amélie Achim (Institut universitaire de santé mentale de Québec, Laboratoire Cognition et Interactions Sociales)

Title: La cognition sociale en contexte d'interaction: implications en schizophrénie




Date: December 7th 2015




Prof. Dr. Anja Stukenbrock (University of Jena)

Title: Joint attention in mobile settings - An interactionist approach to eye-tracking

Date: October 7th 2015

This conference was organized as part of a doctoral workshop on eye-tracking.



Dr. Federico Rossano (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig)

Title: Language evolution and the structure of social interaction in human and non-human primates (abstract)
Date : May 13th 2015
F. Rossano gave another conference at the seminar of the Center for Cognitive Sciences, on the following theme: From exploitation to cooperation: a comparative perspective on the emergence and sustainability of cooperation (May 12th 2015, see the abstract above).




Dr. Catherine Bolly (CNRS, UMR7023 SFL & Université Catholique de Louvain)

Title:  Visible actions and audible speech as pragmatic lenses to explore intergenerational interaction (abstract )
Date : April 29th 2015




Dr. Mark Dingemanse (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen)

Title : Using misunderstandings to understand language and social interaction (abstract)

Date : February 2nd 2015




Opening workshop of the CRSI’s doctoral training program



Jonathan Jenny (CEMAJ, UniNE) & Aurélie Graz (IPTO, UniNE)

Title: La conciliation judiciaire civile : étude des pratiques des juges et de la satisfaction des justiciables
Date: December 17th 2014




International conference Interactional competences in institutional practices (ICIP14)






Prof. Dr. J. P. de Ruiter (Universität Bielefeld)

Title: How not to study interaction

Abstract: In this talk I will argue that human interaction cannot be studied properly using the standard experimental methods that have been successful in other areas of the cognitive sciences. Of the many problems with these methods, I will focus on two important ones: (a) the trade-off between experimental control and ecological validity, and (b) profound problems regarding the quantification of interactive behavior.

Date: September 23rd 2014




CRSI opening conference

This one-day conference, which was held at the University of Neuchâtel on February 4th 2014, has been organized to celebrate the opening of the centre. This conference included plenary lectures by world-renowned invited speakers.


Prof. Simon Garrod (University of Glasgow)

Title: What can ‘pictionary’ tell us about the evolution of human communication?



Prof. Tania Stivers (University of California Los Angeles)

Title: Shaping treatment outcomes: How parents affect decisions in routine illness medical visits in the US



Prof. Steve Walsh (Newcastle University)

Title: Space for learning: applying corpus linguistics and conversation analysis in the investigation of small group teaching in higher education


Download the full program of the conference here .