Courses 2013
Other activities (seminar, courses, ...) that might also give ECTS (external)
- NCCR Plant Survival final meting , 23-24 January 2013 (poster 0.5 ECTS, scientific activities, external)
- SME 2013 , 5th Swiss Microbial Ecology (SME) Meeting, 4-6 February 2013, Murten (oral presentation 1 ECTS, poster 0.5 ECTS, scientific activities, external)
- Biology13 , 7-8 February 2013, University of Basel (oral presentation 1 ECTS, poster 0.5 ECTS, scientific activities, external)
- Cell wall biomechanics and plant growth, 2-4 September 2013, Institute of Plant Science, University of Bern (paper presentation 1 ECTS ,scientific activities, external)
- Plants in a changing climate, symposium of the Zurich-Basel plant science center, 8 November 2013, ETH Zürich (poster 0.5 ECTS, scientific activities, external)
- LS2 (Life Sciences Switzerland) annual meeting, 4-5 February 2014, Lausanne (oral presentation 1 ECTS, poster 0.5 ECTS, scientific activities, external)