

FAQ Frequently asked questions

  • I took a course outside the doctoral program. How do I ask the recognition of the credit points?

    All external activities are subject to the acceptance of the Doctoral School coordination office.

    No later than 6 months after the activity, please your certificate of attendance and the completed External credits Validation Request Form to the program coordinator.

  • How do I register for a course/workshop organized jointly with a CUSO doctoral program?

    Registration may be available either on our website or on the CUSO course web page of the CUSO doctoral program.

    In this later case, and if you are not a CUSO participant:

    => from the course description page, click on Registration (on the top of the course page) and follow the instructions available at the bottom of the registration page.

    Do not hesitate to contact one of the coordinator of the CUSO biology doctoral programs if you need more information.

  • Recommendations to get ECTS in the Transferable skills category

    We strongly recommend all PhD students to take advantage of the CUSO program which is dedicated to soft skills (Generic skills).

    Moreover, other programs in Switzerland, such as the different biology CUSO programs, or the REGARD program aimed at promoting women in science, or the LS2, are also organizing various soft skills activities.

    Beyond Switzerland, workshops from any international programs will be recognized if the workshop was indeed designed for PhD students.


    The following activities are also eligible for ECTS in the Communication category:

    • Organizing a conference or an event (e.g. organizing the annual PhD meeting)
    • Participating in science outreach events (“évènements de vulgarisation scientifique”) such as workshops for children (Passeports Vacances, events in your home country, …), or for non-scientific audience including local population when in the field.
    • Participating in 3MT (3 Minutes Thesis) or MT180 (Ma Thèse en 180 secondes) competitions or in other SciComm events.


    Organizing such an activity will be eligible for 0.5 to 1.0 ECTS maximum.

    Participating to such an activity will also be eligible for 0.5 to 1.0 ECTS maximum. Participating means here that you are either teaching (for example to kids), or speaking/presenting.


    Importantly: if you organize and/or participate in the same event several times (e.g. yearly event), only the first time will be considered. You can then get maximum 2 ECTS for this repeating event, once for organizing it, once for participating in it.

    For MT180: 1 ECTS for presenting at the UniNE final, and 1 more ECTS for presenting at the Swiss final (maximum 2 ECTS total, i.e. no ECTS if presenting at the international final). MT180-specific CUSO workshops are also eligible for ECTS, just like any of their workshops.


    For DSLS activities:

    • organizing the Annual Meeting = 1.0 ECTS
    • organizing the DPOB Seminar for 1 year (10 Seminars) = 1.0 ECTS


    The program coordinators and director always keep the right to judge whether an activity is eligible for ECTS or not.