
Addresses and useful links

Equal opportunities in Latin universities

EPFLEqual Opportunities Office

HES-SOEgalité et diversité (in French)

University of Fribourg:  Service de l'Egalité entre femmes et hommes (in French or German)

University of Geneva:   Service égalité (in French)

University of Lausanne:  Bureau de l'égalité des chances (in French)  

University of Neuchâtel:  Office of Equal Opportunity
Les bureaux d'égalité des Hautes écoles de la Suisse romande et italienne (BULA) have produced an "FAQ" booklet grouping answers to the questions it is most frequently asked. Topics dealt with refer to essential points (maternity, career, flexibility of working hours and studies) relating to studies, career planning and the balancing of student or working life with private life. The document (in French) is slightly dated but nonetheless contains relevant information.

Women’s associations and networks in the field of science and research

Femdat: Swiss database for female experts in different scientific and professional domains

Gender Campus: information and communication platform for gender studies and gender equality at Swiss universities and universities of applied sciences and Réseau Gendercampus/LIEGE 

Association Suisse des femmes diplômées des universités  (in French or German)
Association of university graduate women
Association Suisse Femmes Féminisme Recherche  (in French or German)
Swiss women feminism research association

Gender studies in French-speaking Swiss universities

IHEIDProgramme on gender and global change

University of Geneva:  Unité interdisciplinaire en études genre  (in French)

University of Lausanne:  Centre en études genre (in French)

University of Neuchâtel : Maison d'analyse des processus sociaux 


Equal opportunities in Switzerland

Swiss Conference of Gender Equality Delegates
This groups together official services and offices responsible for promoting equality at the Confederation, cantonal and city level.

Federal Commission for Women’s Issues
This is the extra-parliamentary commission of the Confederation. It analyses the condition of women in Switzerland and works to promote gender equality.

Federal Office for Gender Equality
Office attached to the Federal Department of Home Affairs with the mission of “promoting gender equality in all areas of life, i.e. the elimination of all forms of direct or indirect discrimination".