Population genomics in R - in coll. with CUSO
22-25 August 2016 => 4 days
Course in collaboration with the CUSO Doctoral Program in Ecology & Evolution
Organisers: Prof. Jérôme Goudet, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Prof. Jérôme Goudet , University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Dr Emmanuel Paradis , Université de Montpellier, France
Dr Thibaut Jombart , Imperial College London, UK
In this workshop, we will present a series of R packages tailored for population genomic analyses: ape, adegenet, hierfstat, popr.
The teachers are the active developers of these packages, and will illustrate their flexibilities to conduct population genomic analyses in R.
Provisional program:
Day 1: ape
Day 2: adegenet
- lecture 1: general introduction to multivariate analysis of genetic data
- lecture 2: using multivariate method for describing group diversity
Afternoon: Exploring group diversity using adegenet.
Day3: hierfstat
Day 4: popr
General information
Date: 22-25 August 2016 (NEW => 4 days)
Schedule: 9h00-12h00 & 13h30-17h00
Venue: University of Lausanne, Biophore Building, Amphitheater
ECTS: 2.0 (Research tools)
Evaluation: Full attendance and active participation
IMPORTANT Information: !PREREQUISITE! Have attended the course "An Introduction to R" or a similar course.
Please bring your laptop to the course! Contact Caroline Betto-Colliard (ecologie-evolution@cuso.ch)
Registration fee: free for participants at the DP-biol
Travel expenses: For participants of the Interuniversity doctoral program in organismal biology (DP-biol): see reimbursement conditions
For participants of the CUSO doctoral program in Ecology and Evolution: see CUSO E&E web site
MAKE SURE you SIGN the ATTENDANCE LIST EACH and EVERY DAY and TAKE your ATTESTATION of ATTENDANCE at the END of the COURSE (no attestation will be sent by mail)
Limited number of participants: 40
- 25 places are dedicated to participants belonging to a CUSO University. Priority for these 25 places will be given to PhD students from the doctoral programs DP-biol (Uni Neuchâtel), CUSO DPEE, and CUSO StarOmics until 30 June 2016. After this deadline, first-come, first-served! (registation is free)
- 15 places are dedicated to external participants (registration fee apply)
Registration: closed on the web site of the CUSO doctoral program Ecology and Evolution (select the course)
Please note the cancellation policy (CHF 50).
Deadline: 7 August 2016