Visions for a sustainable agriculture - a joint course with CUSO
9-12 May 2016 (3,5 days)
A course in collaboration with the MAS-ICM of University of Neuchâtel, and the CUSO Doctoral Programs in Ecology & Evolution (E&E) and Molecular Plants sciences (MPS)
Flyer (552 Ko)
To learn about and reflect on the challenges for a sustainable agriculture that provides food security for future generations
- Romano DeVivo , Syngenta, Switzerland
- Celia A. Harvey ,Betty and Gordon Moore Center for Science and Oceans, Conservation International
- Ylva Hillbur , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Nigeria
- Beate Huber , FiBL, Switzerland
- Ulrich Kuhlmann , Plantwise, CABI, Switzerland
- Johan Six , ETH-Zurich, Switzerland
During the workshop you will be confronted with the challenges that researchers and policy makers are facing in their efforts to assure food security for future generations in a sustainable manner.
The focus will be on developing countries and the workshop will also be attended by students from the masters module Sustainable Agriculture and by foreign students that participate in the Masters of Advance Studies in Integrated Crop Management (MAS-ICM, in collaboration with CABI, Delemont).
1st day:
On the first day the MAS-ICM students will each give a presentation on the agricultural challenges in their home country
2nd day:
The next day experts in the field from a variety of domains (university, industry, international research institutions etc.) will tell you about their visions and ideas for sustainable agriculture
3rd day (all day) and 4th day (morning):
On day three (morning) there will be round table discussions to bring the presented challenges and ideas together and to critically assess to what extend the presented visions are realistic. Then in the afternoon all students will prepare group presentations that will take place on the fourth and final day (hald day). In these presentations (groups of up to 6 students) you will present your ideas on how sustainable agriculture may be achieved, taking into account the things you learned during the presentations and discussions
Program (updated 4.5.2016)
General information
Date : 9-12 May 2016
Schedule: 8.55-17.00 Monday to Wednesday. 8.55-12.00 Thursday
Venue: University of Neuchâtel, Faculté des sciences, UniMail, Emile-Argand 11, Note the different auditoriums!
- Monday 9 & Tuesday 10: central building Aula UniMail, F-100
- Wednesday 11: building E and A: E326 / A317 / A017
- Thursday 12 (morning only) : building G, auditorium GPA (petit auditoire de chimie)
ECTS : 1.5 for PhD students (Scientific activities). For other participants: contact the organisers.
Evaluation: Full attendance and active participation
Information: Please contact Prof. Ted Turlings or the doctoral program coordinator Dr Christiane Bobillier
Registration fee: free. It incudes coffee breaks in the mornings.
Lunches are included on 9, 10, and11 May for all PhD students of the doctoral programs DP-biol, CUSO E&E and CUSO MPS, and MAS students. Others have to pay 60.00 at the registration desk on the first day.
Travel expenses: For participants of the Interuniversity doctoral program in organismal biology (DP-biol ): see reimbursement conditions
For participants of the CUSO doctoral programs in Ecology and Evolution and in Molecular Plant Sciences: see CUSO E&E and CUSO MPS web sites
MAKE SURE you SIGN the ATTENDANCE LIST EACH and EVERY DAY and TAKE your ATTESTATION of ATTENDANCE at the END of the COURSE (no attestation will be sent by mail)
This course is open to MAS students, masters, and PhD students
Maximum number of participants: 40
Registration through the web only: closed
Please note the cancellation policy (CHF 20).
Deadline: 25 April 2016