Phylogeography, macroecology and biogeography - joint with CUSO
9-11 June 2015
A joint course with the CUSO doctoral program in Ecology and Evolution
Organiser: Edward Mitchell, University of Neuchâtel
To give an introduction to phylogeography, macroecology and biogeography.
The workshop addresses these themes using examples from different taxonomic groups, including macroscopic and microscopic organisms. Invited lecturers cover these different topics, and the workshop will therefore be of interest to a diverse range of people.
The workshop includes both theoretical and practical parts allowing participants to analyse data to understand the processes and methods.
- Maria Aguilar , Department of Cell Biology, University of Alberta, Canada
- Nadir Alvarez , University of Lausanne, Switzerland
- Sylvain Dubey, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
- Diego Fontaneto, National Research Council, Verbania Pallanza, Italy
- Thierry Heger, University of British Columbia, Canada
- Joaquin Hortal, Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (CSIC), Madrid, Spain
- Enrique Lara, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland
- David Mann, Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, U.K.
Mornings: Lectures (concepts, examples of research questions, current methods and debates)
Afternoons: Exercises with data sets (provided by teachers and/or by participants) and/or work in smaller groups on literature and current questions.
Day 1: Biogeography (David Mann, Maria Aguilar & Enrique Lara)
Day 2: Macroecology (Diego Fontaneto & Joaquin Hortal)
Day 3: Phylogeography and taxonomy (Thierry Heger, Sylvain Dubey & Nadir Alvarez)
Program (updated 9.6.2015)
General information
Date : 9-11 June 2015
Schedule: 8.55-17.00
Location: University of Neuchâtel, Faculty of Sciences, Emile-Argand 11, Uni Mail , Aula Louis-Guillaume (2nd floor)
ECTS: 1.5 ECTS for active and full participation (Research tools)
Evaluation: Full attendance and active participation
Information: Please contact Prof. Edward Mitchell or the doctoral program coordinator Dr Christiane Bobillier
Registration fee : free
Travel expenses: For participants of the Interuniversity doctoral program in organismal biology (DP-biol ): see reimbursement conditions
For participants of the CUSO doctoral program in Ecology and Evolution: see CUSO E&E web site
MAKE SURE you SIGN the ATTENDANCE LIST EACH and EVERY DAY and TAKE your ATTESTATION of ATTENDANCE at the END of the COURSE (no attestation will be sent by mail)
- This course is free and open to all PhD students, however until 30 February 2015 priority is given to "Interuniversity doctoral program in organismal biology" and "CUSO doctoral program E&E" participants.
- Post-docs are welcome as long as places are available.
- Maximum number of participants: 30
Registration through the web only: closed
Please note the cancellation policy (CHF 20).
Deadline: 31 May 2015