Immunoxidative ecology: progress and prospects
- David Costantini, University of Glasgow, UK: The natural history of oxidative stress
- Michaela Hau, Max Planck Institute for Ornithology, Radolfzell, Germany: Endocrine, immune and oxidative processes in the context of life history strategies
- Fabrice Helfenstein, University of Bern, Switzerland: Oxidative stress, immunity and sperm quality in birds
- George Lozano, Freelance researcher, Tartu, Estonia: Species with alternative mating strategies in immunoecology: what can they tell us?
- Øyvind Øverli, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås, Norway: "Personality", parasites and pigment signals
- Markus Rantala, University of Turku, Finland: Immune defence and sexual selection in humans
- Albert Ros, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland: Introduction to immuno-oxidative-ecology
- Alexandre Roulin, University of Lausanne, Switzerland: Different ways of signalling resistance to oxidative stress in the context of sexual selection
pre-course assignment and content
Before the workshop :
- Participants should choose between one of five topics** and do some preparatory work to participate in the worlshop:
- Read the paper(s) attached to the topic/subject.
- Prepare at least two questions for asking to the lecturer that would be relevant to their subject.
List of papers (PDF)
During the workshop :
- Attendance and more importantly active participation is required during the workshop.
- Every group will prepare a short presentation in which they elaborate on an important aspect of their subject. The presentation will constitute the practical evaluation which has to be passed at the end of this course.
** Topics:
- 1) Sexual selection for immuno-oxidative quality
- 2) Parasites, health and host behaviour
- 3) Immuno-oxidative ecology and Life history strategies
- 4) Hormonal regulation of immuno-oxidative trade-offs
- 5) Personality, reproductive tactics and immune-oxidative stress
Program (PDF)
general information
Dates: Thursday 10 and Friday 11 March 2011
Schedule: 8.55 - 17.00
Location: University of Neuchâtel, Faculté des sciences, UniMail, building C, room C001
Credit points: 1.0 credit point (Scientific activities)
Evaluation: Full attendance, active participation during the 2 days including preparation (as described)
Information: Please contact Albert Ros [albert.ros @] or the doctoral program coordinator Christiane Bobillier (administration)
Travel expenses: participants of the doctoral program are eligible for reimbursement of incurred travel expenses by train (half-fare card, and 2nd class). Please send the original tickets (no copies, except for the general abonnement) with the reimbursement form to Dr. Christiane Bobillier. No reimbursement for bus, taxi or car travel expenses will be paid.
Minimum number of participants: 15, maximum: 30.
Registration through the web only: closed
Please note the cancellation policy (CHF 20)