Planning a career strategy - part 2 - improving your CV and practical training to meet your future employer's
24-25 November 2010
- improve their CV and learn how to adapt it
- practice job interviews situations to improve their personal communication style
- learn about various employer expectations and be prepared for the interview process
Dr. Pavel Kraus, aht'intermediation, Liestal (email: pavel.kraus (at) )
Pavel Kraus, born 1955, holds a Doctorate from ETH Zurich and a master degree from the University of Chicago, both in the fields of geography.
In 1987 he joined Hoffmann-La Roche holding various positions in pharma marketing. As a knowledge networking officer he developed and implemented knowledge management methods in the Roche diagnostics division.
After leaving Roche in 2001, P. Kraus is one of the founding partners of the consulting company aht'intermediation. In addition he teaches at various universities for applied science.
- CV Analysis.
- Job interview exercise.
- Personal communication styles.
Precourse assignment: Developing and sending in the current version of CV before 28 October 2010 to Dr. Pavel Kraus.
Useful link:
general information
- Date: 24-25 November 2010
- Schedule: 8.55 - 17.00
- Location: University of Neuchâtel, Faculté des sciences, UniMail, building C (Animalerie), room C001
- Credit points: 1.0 (Communication)
- Evaluation: Active participation including preparation
- Information: Please contact Pavel Kraus or the doctoral program coordinator Christiane Bobillier
- Travel expenses: participants of the doctoral programs "Interuniversity doctoral program in organismal biology" and "Interuniversity in ecology and evolution" are eligible for reimbursement of incurred travel expenses by train (half-fare card, and 2nd class).
- For "Interuniversity doctoral program in organismal biology" participants: Please send the original tickets (no copies, except for the general abonnement) with the reimbursement form to Dr. Christiane Bobillier. No reimbursement for bus, taxi or car travel expenses will be paid.
- For "CUSO doctoral program in ecology and evolution" participants: see information on the web site.
This course is open to all Ph.D. students, however priority is given to "Interuniversity doctoral program in organismal biology" and "Interuniversity doctoral programme in ecology & evolution" participants until 31 August 2010.
This course is limited to a maximum of 16 participants. Course full.
The effective cost is approx. CHF 400.00 per person. Therefore a waiting list will be prepared to ensure that there are no empty seats.
Registration through the web only: closed
Cancellation policy (CHF 100).