
Applied statistical regression modelling for biologists using R

march 9-10, 16-17, 23-24, 2006


This course features a hands-on approach to learning, dividing class time between lectures, case studies and exercises.
The presented models will be applied to biological, biomedical and environmental data.


Dr. Marc-Olivier Boldi, Statoo Consulting, Lausanne


- General aspects of fitting regression models (e.g. modelling strategies, and validating, describing and simplifying the model)
- Linear regression models
- Generalized linear models (e.g. logistic and Poisson regression)
- Nonparametric regression (e.g. scatterplot smoothers, generalized additive models)
- Classification and regression trees (e.g. CART)
- Mixed-effect models

general information

Dates: March 9-10, 16-17 and 23-24, 2006

Schedule: 8.55 - 17.00

Location: University of Neuchâtel, UniMail, Chemistry building (G, "Institut de chimie"), room B1

Credit points: 3.0 credit point (Research tools)

Evaluation: Active participation is required and a practical evaluation (case study or exercises) has to be passed at the end of the course.


This course is opened to all Ph.D. student, however priority is given to NCCR Plants and their Environment Graduate School participants and NCCR Plant Survival Ph.D. students. Postdocs and diploma students are welcome depending on availability.

This course is free, but the cost is approx. CHF 500.00 per person. Therefore a waiting list will be prepared to ensure that there are no empty seats.

Minimum number of participants: 8, maximum: 15.