
Escabeau Programme

Application for the Escabeau programme are opened to refugee and asylum seekers in Switzerland who hold a B (refugee), F, N or S permit.

To enrol, fill in the application form and send it to us by email or post.

You also need to send compulsory documentation that differs according to the study programme you want to enrol on:

French programmes:

  • a high school diploma (equivalent to a Swiss Federal Vocational or General Baccalaureate); a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree;
  • attestation of French language skills at A2 level, according to the CEFR.

  Integration programme for BA studies (Escabeau admission)

  • a high school diploma, which gives access to higher education in the country where it was granted ;
  • attestation of French language skills at B2 level, according to the CEFR;
  • agreement from the department responsible for granting social assistance in asylum matters.

Bachelor’s/Master’s Programmes :

  • a high school diploma (equivalent to a Swiss Federal Vocational or General Baccalaureate); 
  • Bachelor’s degree (if obtained, compulsory to enrol on a MA programme);
  • copy of all the marks delivered for each year the applicants spent at university;
  • exmatriculation certificate if you have already studied in another Swiss university;
  • complete resumé and cover letter can be asked for some programmes.

CAS d’intégration :

  • holding a recognised university degree;
  • attestation of French language skills at B2 level, according to the CEFR.





The Escabeau Programme (literally stepladder) seeks to facilitate the integration of migrants in Switzerland.


Form to download :

Application form


University of Neuchâtel
Av. du 1er-Mars 26
CH-2000 Neuchâtel
