
Double doctorate degree

Joint supervision of thesis (cotutelle)

A double doctorate degree allows the development of scientific cooperation between two countries while promoting the mobility and supervision of doctoral students. In the framework of a cotutelle, the doctoral student carries out his/her research work under the joint guidance of two thesis supervisors, one at the UniNE and the other in a foreign institution.

The doctoral student is enrolled in the two universities and is subject to the administrative procedures of the two establishments.The thesis gives rise to a single defense and the granting of two diplomas, one by the UniNE and the other by the partner institution, or of a joint doctorate diploma.

It is not possible to carry out a cotutelle thesis involving two Swiss universities, since simultaneous registration for a doctorate at two Swiss universities is not allowed. When a thesis involves two thesis supervisors from two Swiss universities, a co-direction arrangement must be set up. In this case, only one of the two universities awards the doctoral diploma. Contact your faculty secretariat to formalize the co-direction.


How to proceed?

1. The student must find two thesis supervisors (one at the UniNE and the other in the partner institution) who agree to jointly follow his/her research work.

2. The student enrolls him/herself in the two institutions. A student who has not done his/her studies at the UniNE must fill out a registration request. The acceptance of the candidate to the doctoral programme is subject to the procedures specific to each faculty. The agreement cannot be established and signed until the student has been officially admitted to the doctoral programme at UniNE.

3. The student follows the enrolment procedure of his/her thesis (see the rules of each faculty). NB : your thesis subject must have been accepted by your home faculty. 

4. The student and the UninE co-directors complete the joint supervision agreement specific to the UniNE or to the partner institution (see the templates below).

5. The student sends the completed agreement by electronic means to the Study Exchange Office for review and approval.

6. After possible modifications requested by the Study Exchange Office, the student must obtain the signatures of the thesis supervisor and the Dean of the faculty of UniNE. 

7.  The student sends the agreement in its current state to the Study Exchange Office. Do not send the agreement directly to the Rectorate.

8. The Study Exchange Office then sends the document to the partner institution.

9. Once all the signatures are obtained, the Study Exchange Office sends the copies to the Registration Office, to the faculty secretary, to the thesis director and to the student.


Thesis Joint Supervision agreement templates



The Swiss Secretary of State for Education and Research, through the agency of Swissuniverities, financially supports cotutelle thesis project provided that they are subject to a joint doctorate agreement between a Swiss university and a foreign partner university (Europe + Israël).

The  Swissuniversities website explains the steps to take for submitting a grant request.

The submission deadline is fixed for 31 March.  But note: all of the candidature documents must be sent in format WORD + PDF to the Study Exchange Office Office before 15 March  for review and forwarding. The incomplete application files will not be sent to Swissuniversities.