
European exchanges ("ERASMUS")

Students wishing to study at the UniNE should, in the first instance, contact the ERASMUS or International Relations Office within their own institution. 

European Exchanges - Application Procedure

Deadline : April 15 to nominate for an exchange during  the Fall semester or the whole academic year

  • April 15 partners complete nomination form
  • April 20 UniNE Mobility Office provides applicants with link to application form (ask bureau.mobilite@unine.ch for the link)
  • April 30 applicants download their documents to the application platform
  • June 5 the Mobility Office confirms admission and provides the information needed to stay at UniNE (health insurance, accommodation, visa, etc.).

Deadline : September 15 to nominate for an exchange during the Spring semester

  • September 15 partners complete nomination form (ask bureau.mobilite@unine.ch for the link)
  • September 20 UniNE Mobility Office provides applicants with link to application form
  • September 30 applicants download their documents to the application platform
  • October 15  the Mobility Office confirms admission and provides the information needed to stay at UniNE (health insurance, accommodation, visa, etc.).

Contact : bureau.mobilite@unine.ch