
Milica Nenadić


Research interest

I am interested in how signalling of a plant hormone cytokinin affects lateral root initiation, outgrowth and emergence. To this end, we are developing a genetic toolbox based on the inducible cell-type-specific expression of genes that can enable targeted manipulation of cytokinin levels and cytokinin-like responses in different root tissues. Moreover, we are studying functions of the Arabidopsis PURINE PERMEASE (PUP) family of non-specific cytokinin transporters with a focus on members that might play a role in lateral root development and emergence.


Short CV

2023-present : Scientific collaborator, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland

2017-2023 : PhD in Plant Sciences, University of Zurich, Switzerland

2014-2017 : MSc in Biology, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Major in Ecology and Evolution

2010-2014 : BSc in Biology, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Minor in Ecology


Publications (Google scholar link)


How to establish a GAPLESS Casparian strip
M Nenadić, JEM Vermeer
Nature Plants 9 (10), 1585-1586


Microtubule-based perception of mechanical conflicts controls plant organ morphogenesis
D Stöckle, BJ Reyes-Hernández, AV Barro, M Nenadić, Z Winter, S Marc-Martin, L Bald, R Ursache, S Fujita, A Maizel, JEM Vermeer
Science Advances 8 (6), eabm4974

Transmission-enhancing effects of a plant virus depend on host association with beneficial bacteria
M Nenadić, L Grandi, MC Mescher, CM De Moraes, KE Mauck
Arthropod-Plant Interactions 16 (1), 15-31


Dynamic cytokinin signalling landscapes during lateral root formation in Arabidopsis
M Nenadić, JEM Vermeer
Quantitative Plant Biology 2, e13