Widler, Julia
Institut of Work and Organizational Psychology (IPTO)
University of Neuchâtel
Rue Emile-Argand 11
2000 Neuchâtel
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW
Hochschule für Angewandte Psychologie
Riggenbachstrasse 16
4600 Olten
E-mail : julia.widler@fhnw.ch
Since 2020 | PhD Student in Psychology, University of Neuchâtel |
2016–2019 | M.Sc in Psychology, Zürcher Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften |
2010-2015 | B.Sc in Psychology, Universitäre Fernstudien Schweiz |
2004-2008 | Bachelor of Economics, Fachhochschule des bfi Wien |
Professional Experience
Since 2020 | PhD Student, Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz |
2018-2020 | Couseling, PSI Praxis für psychologische Beratung |
2008-2016 | Supply Chain Managerin, British American Tobacco |
Research interests
- Boundary Management
- Stress management
- Life Design
NFP 77 Digital Transformation / Information and Communication Technology and Boundary Man-agement : A Multilevel Intervention Program to Promote Work-Nonwork Balance, Well-Being, and Performance