Page individuelle - Biographie
Alain Sandoz Professeur titulaire Rue Emile-Argand 11 Téléphone : +41 79 540 22 26 Secrétariat: +41 32 718 27 00
I am currently teaching the following courses. Supporting material is available on our Claroline, Moodle, and ILIAS collaborative learning systems.
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Current Courses (at UniNE)
- Algorithms and Data Structures
- e-Government Frameworks
Parcours / Biographie
Alain Sandoz holds a PhD in computer science (1992, EPFL) as well as a MSc in Mathematics from Neuchâtel University.
After leading the Operating systems lab ad interim for one year and teaching at EPFL, Alain Sandoz was CIO of the Swiss Federal Bureau of Agriculture and CTO of the Swiss Federal Dept. of the Economy’s Computing Centre until 2000. He went on to incorporate his own business and has lead over 30 innovation projects since then.
His main interests are information systems design and development; the management of innovation as a strategic resource; the role of scale and complexity in innovation strategy; complex systems architectures; trans-disciplinary technology transfer; information systems for managing biodiversity; agronomics and the sustainable management of food, water and energy.
Alain Sandoz Is adjunct professor of IT at Neuchâtel University and has been teaching there and at several other higher education institutions in Switzerland (EPFL, Geneva UniversityHospital) since 1995.
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Domaines de recherche
Je ne conduis actuellement aucune recherche à l'UniNE