
Giorgidze Lali

Collaboratrice scientifique, doctorante en management

sous la supervision de la Prof. Emmanuelle Reuter


Lali Giorgidze is a doctoral assistant at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Neuchâtel. She obtained MA degree in Leadership and Organization from Malmö University, Sweden and MSc degree in Educational Leadership and Management from the University of Portsmouth, the UK. With extensive experience in higher education quality enhancement and Bologna reforms within the European Higher Education Area, she has contributed to university capacity-building projects and supported strategies for enhancing teaching and learning in higher education through the Bologna Follow-Up Group.

Domaines de recherche

  • Institutional theory  
  • Policy diffusion and organizational adaptation
  • Organizational change and organizational cultures
  • Sustainability integration


Institut de management

Rue A.-L. Breguet 2

2000 Neuchâtel


Bureau R.117

Tél. +41 (0)32 718 15 67
