Summer Campus



  • Workshops
  • Preparatory courses in mathematics
  • Intensive English classes


Enrolement opens at the end of June

This program is primarily designed for beginners in bachelor's degree and is open to exchange students.

In mid-September, you will step into the University of Neuchâtel! We want to provide you with the best possible start to your bachelor's journey. That's why we offer a range of workshops, preparatory courses in mathematics, and intensive English classes for three weeks prior to the start of the term.

We understand that high school and university are two different worlds. Therefore, we have specially designed these preparatory courses and workshops to provide you with all the keys to success and help you approach your university studies with serenity and confidence while getting familiar with your new environment.

Don't wait any longer and make the wise choice to actively prepare for your entry into the University!

Workshops and preparatory courses in mathematics are given in French
Please visit the French version of this page for more information

Summer Campus 2024

from August 26 to September 12 2024


Enrolement opens at the end of June

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Vue aérienne de Neuchâtel

Interactive program coming soon (FRA)

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Service académique

Glenn Gomes