Themed seminar

Autumn modules

During the Master’s programme, students take part in themed seminars, which are modular in format. Each module is usually attended by 25 students, and lasts about three weeks; modules are led by professors, assistants and external practitioners. Students are expected to participate actively (legal research, written or oral contributions, role plays and so on). Some modules are organized in Switzerland, and some abroad.

Important information

L'inscription au module No 10 prévu au semestre de printemps, s'effectue au début du semestre d'automne en même temps que les modules du semestre d'automne.

Seuls les modules No 3 et No 14 sont ouverts aux étudiants du Master en innovation.

Springs modules


Each semester, students enrol in modules online, during a fixed period at the beginning of the semester.

Enrolment is on a first-come-first-served basis. Detailed explanations can be found in the 2016-2017 programme.


Enrolment for modules in the Springs semester 2016-2017:
12:15 on Monday 20 February to 14:00 on Tuesday 21 February.



Each semester, students enrol in modules online, during a fixed period at the beginning of the semester.

Enrolment is on a first-come-first-served basis. Detailed explanations can be found in the 2016-2017 programme.


Enrolment for modules in the Springs semester 2016-2017:
12:15 on Monday 20 February to 14:00 on Tuesday 21 February.


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