
Joël Amossé

Since urban development is spreading and intensifying, knowledge about the functioning of urban ecosystems has vital importance in planning future urban development in order to minimize its negative environmental impacts (Niemelä, 1999; McIntyre et al., 2001). Soil invertebrates are clearly important components of soil function and they may be the best possible indicators of soil quality (Lavelle et al., 2006).

The main goal of my research project is to find bioindicators of soil quality and function in an urban context (BUS – Bioindication in Urban Soil - project).

Four main objectives are included in this project :

  • to select different urban soils in Neuchâtel Region ; 
  • to sample soil fauna and analyse physico-chemical properties of the soil ;
  • to compare the functionality of urban soils and alluvial soils ;
  • and to define the best soil bioindicators (earthworm, enchytraeid and testate amoebae) in urban soils.

The BUS project is supported by the Federal Office of the Environnement (FOEN/OFEV/BAFU). The application objective is to introduce bioindicators and their limit values for the future revision of the legal ordonance on soils (OSol); to develop guidelines to improve or to build urban soils with the aim of reaching a sustainable urban development.


Academic Education

2011 - 2014:

PhD  student, University of Neuchatel, Switzerland, Institute of Biology.

2008 - 2010:

Professional Master in Environemental Engineering, France, Agrocampus West of Rennes.

2003 - 2004:

Professional Licence on Management and Treatment of Soil and Water, Catholic University of the West of Angers.

2001 - 2003:

Superior Technician Diploma on Management of Natural Areas, Agricultural High school of Briacé, France.