
Emilie Lab

Master en biologie


I have always been interested and fascinated by mountains. Since I was little, I have spent most of my free time in this environment. With global warming, many aspects have changed.
I completed my bachelor’s degree at the University of Strasbourg (France) and I came to Neuchâtel to discover a new study framework, meet new people, make new contacts, and get closer to the mountains, in which I dream of working. I was immediately attracted to the LEF when I discovered this laboratory at the beginning of the "Master in Biology".
I therefore joined Baptiste Bovay’s “tri-trophic interactions” research project, for which I am very motivated to work.

Master’ thesis project

This project aims to understand the impact of climate change at the ecosystem level, directly along the elevation gradient. In the summer of 2024, we set up a transplant experiment at two sites in the Alps to monitor the impact of increasing temperatures and upward migrations on trophic interactions among a complex community spanning three trophic levels (plants, insects, and parasitoids) in the context of global warming.
In other words, we will investigate how insects react to novel host plant communities and novel insect community networks.
This project is also linked to the work of Théo Steiner and Paolo Mordasini on the impact of novel plant-herbivore interactions on the soil compartment.

Emilie Lab



+41 32 718 23 18