Publications on Migration & Climate Change
2020 |
Lietaer, S., L. Brüning, and C. Ndoffene Faye. 2020. Ne pas revenir pour mieux soutenir ? Perceptions de la migration comme stratégie d’adaptation face aux changement environnementaux dans trois régions du Sénégal. Émulations - Revue de sciences sociales 34 : 96 – 113 |
Blondin, S. « Understanding involuntary immobility in the Bartang Valley of Tajikistan through the prism of motility. » Mobilities 15 (4): 543-558. |
2019 |
Piguet, E. Environment and Migration. In Encyclopedia of Human Geography (2nd. Ed.), ed. A. Kobayashi, 163-168: Elsevier. |
Piguet, E. Climatic Statelessness: Risk Assessment and Policy Options. Population and Development Review 45 (4):865-883. |
Kaenzig, R., and E. Piguet, Profiling displacement in the context of slow-onset environmental degradation (An analysis of hazards, policies, and mobility patterns toward the development of a typology). In Report to the Internal Displacement Monitoring Center. Neuchâtel: Institut de géographie UNINE. |
Cattaneo, C., M. Beine, C. J. Fröhlich, D. Kniveton, I. Martinez-Zarzoso, M. Mastrorillo, K. Millock, E. Piguet, and B. Schraven. Human Migration in the Era of Climate Change. Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 13 (2):189-206. |
Piguet, E., Aléas climatiques et migrations - Quels risques futurs ? In Les gestions des transitions - Anticiper, subir, réagir, planifier, eds. F. Padovani and B. Lysaniuk, 165-179. Paris: L'Harmattan. |
Boas, I., C. Farbotko, H. Adams, H. Sterly, S. Bush, K. van der Geest, H. Wiegel, H. Ashraf, A. Baldwin, G. Bettini, S. Blondin, M. de Bruijn, D. Durand-Delacre, C. Fröhlich, G. Gioli, L. Guaita, E. Hut, F. X. Jarawura, M. Lamers, S. Lietaer, S. L. Nash, E. Piguet, D. Rothe, P. Sakdapolrak, L. Smith, B. Tripathy Furlong, E. Turhan, J. Warner, C. Zickgraf, R. Black, and M. Hulme. Climate migration myths. Nature Climate Change 9 (12):901-903. |
Blondin, S, « Environmental migrations in Central Asia: a multifaceted approach to the issue. » Central Asian Survey 38 (2): 275-292. |
Boas, I., Farbotko, C., Adams, H. […], Blondin, S. et al. « Climate migration myths ». Nature Climate change 9: 901–903. |
2018 |
Piguet, E., Theories of voluntary and forced migration. In Routledge Handbook of Environmental Migration and Displacement, eds. R. McLeman and F. Gemenne, 17-28. London: Routledge. |
Piguet, E., Kaenzig R., and Guélat J., The uneven geography of research on "environmental migration". Population and Environment 39 (4):357–383. |
Brüning, L., and Piguet, E., Changements environnementaux et migration en Afrique de l’Ouest. Une revue des études de cas. Belgeo - Revue belge de géographie 1:1-26. |
2017 |
Piguet, E., Die klimabedingte Migration - eine Bedrohung für Europa ? In Zukunft der Migration, eds. W. Haug and G. Kreis, 142-149. Zürich: NZZ LIBRO. |
2015 |
Piguet, E., Guélat, J. and Kaenzig, R. 2015 (forthcoming): The Geography of Research on Migration, Climate Change and the Environment. In Gemenne, F., Ionesco, D. and Mokhnacheva, D. (eds.) The Atlas of Environmnental Migration. Routledge. (URL) | |
Guélat, J., Piguet, E. and Kaenzig, R. 2015 (forthcoming): Empirical research on migration, climate change and the environment: mapping the world's case studies. UNINE MAPS working paper. | |
Kaenzig, R. and Warn, I. 2015: Identificando temas claves en migración, medio ambiente y cambio climático en América del Sur: un primer panorama regional. Serie Migración, Medio Ambiente y Cambio Climático. 1-4. (URL) |
2014 |
Piguet, E. and Laczko, F. (eds.), 2014: People on the Move in a Changing Climate. The Regional Impact of Environmental Change on Migration. Dordrecht, Heidelberg, New York, London: Springer. (URL) | |
Kaenzig, R. 2014: Can glacial retreat lead to migration? A critical discussion of the impact of glacier shrinkage upon population mobility in the Bolivian Andes. Population and Environment. 1-17. (URL) | |
2013 |
Piguet, E. 2013: From "primitive migration" to "climate refugees" - The curious fate of the natural environment in migration studies. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 103 (1). 148-162. (URL) |
Piguet, E. and Laczko, F. forthcoming: People on the Move in a Changing Climate: Comparing the Impact of Environmental Change on Migration in Different Regions of the World. Neuchâtel / Geneva: Springer.
(link to book flyer). |
Piguet, E. and Laczko, F. 2013: People on the Move in a Changing Climate: A Bibliography. Neuchâtel / Geneva: IOM. (link to PDF) |
Delju, A. H., Ceylan, A., Piguet, E. and Rebetez, M. 2013: Observed climate variability and change in Urmia Lake Basin, Iran. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 111 (1-2). 285-296. (URL) |
2012 |
Piguet, E. 2012: Migration: The drivers of human migration. Nature Climate Change 2 (6). 400-401. (URL)
Piguet, E. 2012: Des apatrides du climat ? Annales de Géographie 683. 86-100. (URL) |
Anzellini, V. 2012: Entre désastre et réinstallation: le déplacement des populations suite à la catastrophe de Gramalote, Colombie. Master thesis: University of Neuchâtel. (URL) |
2011 |
Piguet, E., Pécoud, A. and de Guchteneire, P. (eds.) 2011: Migration and Climate Change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. |
Piguet, E., Pécoud, A. and de Guchteneire, P. 2011: Migration and Climate Change: An Overview. Refugee Survey Quarterly 30 (3). 1-23. (URL) |
Guélat, J. 2011: Migration et Environnement, étude de cas sur les flux migratoires à destination de La Paz et El Alto, Bolivie. Master Thesis: University of Neuchâtel. (link rero doc) |
Kaenzig, R. et Piguet, E. 2011: Migration et changement climatique en Amérique Latine : Quels enjeux? VertigO 11 (3). 1-14. (URL) |
Kaenzig, R. e Piguet, E. 2011: Migração e mudança climática em America Latina. Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana XIX (36). 49-74. (URL) |
Piguet, E., Pécoud, A. et de Guchteneire, P. 2011: Changements climatiques et migrations : quels risques, quelles politiques ? L'information géographique 75. 86-109. (URL) |
Rebetez, M. 2011. The main climate change forecasts that might cause human displacements. In Piguet, E., Pécoud, A. and de Guchteneire, P. (eds) Migration and climate change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 37-48. | |
2010 |
Piguet, E. 2010: Linking climate change, environmental degradation and migration: A methodological overview. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 1 (4). 517-524. (URL) |
Piguet, E. 2010: Climate and migration: A synthesis. In Afifi, T. and Jäger, J. (eds.), Environment, forced migration and social vulnerability. Bonn: Springer, 73-86. | |
Piguet, E., Pécoud, A. et de Guchteneire, P. 2010: La circulation des personnes: Migrations et changements climatiques. Working Paper MAPS 10. (URL) |
Cometti, G. 2010: Réchauffement climatique et migrations forcées: Le cas de Tuvalu. Master thesis. Graduate Institute ePapers: Geneva. (URL) |
2008 |
Piguet, E. 2008: Migrations et changement climatique. Futuribles - Analyses et Prospectives 341. 31-43. (URL) |
Piguet, E. 2008: Climate change and forced migration. New Issues in Refugee Research - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Research Paper 153. (URL) |