Halloran, Landon
Senior Lecturer / Maître-Assistant
I am a hydrogeologist/geophysicist interested in a wide variety of hydrogeophysical and hydrogeochemical problems. By combining numerical, analytical, and field-based techniques, I aim to improve our understanding of groundwater processes and subsurface properties.
Much of my research focuses on the development and application of hydrogeophysical methods, wherein measurable physical quantities (e.g., temperature, gravity, or soundwaves) are used to quantify parameters of hydrogeological interest. I am also interested in integrating novel geochemical and geophysical data sources into numerical models to maximise the information gained from these measurements. Both of these themes seek to address the underlying issue of information sparseness present in nearly every subsurface investigation.
PhD, University of New South Wales, 2016
MSc, McGill University, 2010
BSc (Hons), University of Victoria, 2008
Publications (see www.ljsh.ca for an up-to-date list):
On the transport and fate of groundwater contaminants…
- L.J.S. Halloran & D. Hunkeler (2020) "Controls on the persistence of aqueous-phase groundwater contaminants in the presence of reactive back-diffusion." Science of the Total Environment 722, 137749. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.137749
On inverse modelling and isotopic fractionation of contaminants…
- L.J.S. Halloran, P. Brunner, & D. Hunkeler (2019) “COMPEST, a PEST-COMSOL interface for inverse multiphysics modelling: Development and application to isotopic fractionation of groundwater contaminants.” Computers and Geosciences 126, 107-119. doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2019.02.001
On temperature as a tool to investigate the unsaturated zone…
- L.J.S. Halloran, G.C. Rau & M.S. Andersen (2016). “Heat as a tracer to quantify processes and properties in the vadose zone: A review,” Earth-Science Reviews, 159, 358-373. doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2016.06.009
On using Earth and atmospheric tides to measure groundwater confinement…
- R.I. Acworth, L.J.S. Halloran, G.C. Rau, M.O. Cuthbert & T. Bernardi (2016) “An objective frequency-domain method for quantifying confined aquifer compressible storage using Earth and atmospheric tides,” 43:22, 11671-11678. Geophysical Research Letters. doi:10.1002/2016GL071328
On gravimetry and groundwater storage in alpine catchments…
- M. Arnoux, L.J.S. Halloran, E. Berdat, & D. Hunkeler (2020) "Characterising seasonal groundwater storage in alpine catchments using time-lapse gravimetry, water stable isotopes, and water balance methods." Hydrological Processes 34:22, 4319-4333. doi:10.1002/hyp.13884
Office: E125
Tél.: +41(0) 32 718 26 35
Centre for Hydrogeology and Geothermics (CHYN)
Emile-Argand 11
CH-2000 Neuchâtel